IRI Europe

Today, the activities of IRI Europe are continued and offered by the Swiss Democracy Foundation (SDF):

  • For more information on our study and briefing tours on modern participatory and direct democracy, please click here.
  • The publications of IRI Europe are available here.
  • Please contact our office for enquiries about research collaboration, consultancy services and networking with our global network of experts and correspondents.

The Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe (IRI Europe) was founded in 2001 as the first international think tank on modern direct democracy, based in Amsterdam. As a pioneer in the field, IRI Europe, together with partner organisations, advised governmental and non-governmental organisations at all political levels on the introduction, design, use and support of direct democratic citizens' rights. As a founding member of the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy, it supported initiatives to strengthen direct democracy worldwide.

In particular, IRI Europe supported and monitored the introduction of the European Citizens' Initiative, the first direct democratic procedure at transnational level. The Institute has published numerous research studies and handbooks, organised study and briefing tours around the world, and acted as an international expert on legislation on citizens' rights. All publications are freely available online.

In addition, IRI Europe has developed and supported a range of research activities, including projects on comparative research, local direct democracy practice (e.g. Direct Democracy Navigator) and transnational perspectives.