
The aim of our foundation – as stated in the founding charter – is the long-term promotion of democracy with a special emphasis on citizen-oriented, participatory and direct-democratic developments worldwide.

The Board and the Director of the Swiss Democracy Foundation
Nancy Eckert, Daniel Schily, Stefanie Bosshard, Bruno Kaufmann, Adrian Schmid, Andreas Zivy (from left)

The Swiss Democracy Foundation is part of the public registry of companies of the Canton of Lucerne with the number CHE-463.845.413 and is supervised by the Swiss Confederation (Federal Department of Home Affairs) according to Article 84 of the Swiss Civil Code.

The Swiss Democracy Foundation (SDF) is led by a five-person board of management. Their work is supported by an international advisory board. The Foundation is headquartered in Lucerne (Switzerland), while the office in Bern (Switzerland) is currently being set up and has been managed by Stefanie Bosshard since 1 January 2022.

The Swiss Democracy Foundation is supporting projects and participating in partnerships in the fields of youth, education, development, technology, media and research, and is actively engaged in networking and information work. We are committed to more civic participation, democracy, tolerance and international understanding.

For the further development of our foundation, we are dependent on a solid financial foundation and thus on donations.

Background and history of the Swiss Democracy Foundation:

Fact sheet "Three decades of democracy work" (in German)

Payment Details

Swiss Post, PostFinance, 3030 Bern, Switzerland

Account number: 89-305766-5 CHF
IBAN: CH24 0900 0000 8930 5766 5

Tax Exemption

The SDF is on the public list of recognised organisations with charitable status.