Passports to Modern Direct Democracy

The Passports to Modern Direct Democracy offer direct and easily accessible introductions to your political rights of participation at all political levels. There are many different kind of passports available in more than 30 different languages.

Traditionally, in most representative democracies, the power of citizens to make decisions at the ballot box was restricted to the elections of other people and parties to offices and parliament. However, in recent years more and more countries have adopted new possibilities and channels for citizens to make their voices heard—even between election days.

The Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy offers basic information about the tools of direct democracy. It introduces key definitions, describes various tools, and includes recommendations on how to use initiatives, referendums and plebiscites.

The European Passport to Active Citizenship offers "quick guides", factsheets, background information, pathfinders and navigators to all aspects of modern European democracy, including a toolkit of participation resources and a detailed manual on the European Citizens Initiative (ECI).

Local Democracy Passports like the Falun Democracy Passport (Sweden) are tailormade to specific jurisdictions and are use both in public and as a civic education tool

2023 Swiss Democracy Passport

The Swiss Democracy Passport provides information on the principles, procedures and practices at all political levels in Switzerland - and is intended to be a useful and informative companion for anyone interested in the future of democracy - and for Switzerland as an interesting and fascinating example.

This edition of the Swiss Democracy Passport focuses on the contemporary interplay between indirect and direct democracy. We are interested in developing further editions with a different focus and in other languages. If you would like to work with us on such new editions - or if you have any feedback, comments, corrections or updates to this edition (2022/23), please get in touch.

The Swiss Democracy Passport can be purchased in physical form from the Swiss Democracy Foundation for a small fee and is particularly suitable for use in schools and educational institutions.

Authors Bruno Kaufmann, Stefanie Bosshard, Joe Mathews, Caroline Vernaillen

Publication 2023

Published by Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten EDA, Swiss Democracy Foundation

Language English


In cooperation with International IDEA, Zocalo Public Square, The European Economic and Social Committee, the City of Falun, Democracy Garage, Mehr Demokratie e.V., Omnibus für Direkte Demokratie, Korea Democracy Foundation, SWI, the Federal Chancellery of Switzerland, the Swiss Federal Ministry, the Center for Democracy Studies Aarau, Conférence Suisse des délégué-e-s l’égalité and CH 2021.

2020 European Democracy PassporT

The European Democracy Passport, available in 24 official languages, facilitates citizen participation in the European Union, the world's largest transnational democracy with 28 Member States, 500 regions and more than 100,000 municipalities.

The European Democracy Passport connects people and ideas with institutions and decisions. With its advice and recommendations, the passport-style publication is a good way for citizens to make their voices heard.

Whatever you want to do as a citizen - complain, solve a problem, exercise your consumer power, debate or petition - this little booklet in your own language can be the key to success and change. Get it, use it and pass it on. It is your voice! It is your Europe! It's your passport to active citizenship!

Author Bruno Kaufmann

Publication 2020

Published by International IDEA, Embassy of Switzerland in Sweden, Swiss Democracy Foundation

Language Available in 24 languages, among them: Bulgarian, Danish, German, English, French, Greek, Irish, Italian, Coatian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slowakian, Slowenian, Swedish, Czech, Hungarian


2018 Passaporto globale per la moderna Democrazia Diretta

Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy - Italian edition

The Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy offers basic information about the tools of modern direct democracy. It introduces key definitions, describes various tools, and includes recommendations on how to use initiatives, referendums and plebiscites.

Author Bruno Kaufmann

Publication 2018

Published by International IDEA, Embassy of Switzerland in Sweden, Swiss Democracy Foundation

Language Italian


2017 Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy

Your Guide to active Citizenship and Participatory Democracy

The Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy offers basic information about the tools of modern direct democracy. It introduces key definitions, describes various tools, and includes recommendations on how to use initiatives, referendums and plebiscites.

Author Bruno Kaufmann

Publication 2017

Published by International IDEA, Embassy of Switzerland in Sweden, Swiss Democracy Foundation

Languages English, Japanese, Korean, Italian


2017 現代のダイレクトデモクラシーへのグローバル・パスポート

Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy - Japanese Edition

The Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy offers basic information about the tools of modern direct democracy. It introduces key definitions, describes various tools, and includes recommendations on how to use initiatives, referendums and plebiscites.

Author Bruno Kaufmann

Publication 2017

Published by International IDEA

Language Japanese


2017 현대직접민주주의국제여권

Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy - Korean Edition

The Global Passport to Modern Direct Democracy offers basic information about the tools of modern direct democracy. It introduces key definitions, describes various tools, and includes recommendations on how to use initiatives, referendums and plebiscites.

Author Bruno Kaufmann

Publication 2017

Published by International IDEA

Language Korean


2009 Global Direct Democracy Passport

This publication was issued at the 2009 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy in Seoul, Korea. The booklet contained key information on the schedule, the participants and the issues of the conference.

Author Bruno Kaufmann

Publication 2017

Published by IRI Europe, Korea Democracy Foundation

Language English
